Wednesday, July 16, 2008



ollowing the spirit of the Scriptures, celebrating jubilees is proclamation of the good news of restoring the social order in accordance to the covenant made by God with Israel, His people. Restoring social order according to the Book of Leviticus 25, constituted rest of the land by freedom from ownership, release of captives, freedom from debts, and freedom from slavery and return of land to original ownership. Indeed celebrating Jubilee in the life of the Israelites is restoring both the ecological and social order.

Rest of the land is not only cessation of the human activities tilling the land to recover fertility but mainly freedom from human ownership. Jubilee’s freedom from human land ownership is a reminder that no human being has absolute ownership of land but only God. The land as the main source of life is meant for the well being of all humanity now and in the future. Rest of the land in the spirit of the Jubilee is indeed care for the earth for the life of humanity and exercise of communal land as higher form of ownership, expression of divine ownership.

The Jubilee’s decree to release captives as political freedom, freedom from debts as economic emancipation, release of slaves and return to their families as cultural reintegration and return of land to original ownership as restoration of dignity – all these are restoration of social order based on justice. Through the course of human activities in years, many become poor, submerged in debts eventually losing their land and finally sold themselves and their families into slavery. Social stratification and class distinctions emerged into widening the gap between the rich and the poor. In order to correct this social disorder, jubilee was to be declared every fifty years restoring social justice. Jubilee is indeed structural reversal in order to restore the social and cosmic order.
Thus every jubilee celebration like 25 years in the priestly ministry is an occasion to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom. Celebrating ministry jubilees is challenge to participate in the restoration of the social and cosmic order according to God’s kingdom plan. Gathering together to celebrate ministry jubilee is God’s call for everyone to participate in the reversal of structures to promote social and cosmic justice

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